Sean Kelly
Program Director and Morning Show Host
Sean loves his job, especially getting to interact with Mix Nation. He’s a big Toronto Maple Leafs fan, likes Adele and Celtic Music!
Wake up with Sean every weekday from 6am to 9am
Email: sean@mix97.com

Mariam Serkal
Morning Show Host
Born in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Mariam has worked in media for close to 20 years starting as a print journalist for the English-language daily newspaper Gulf News and later as Chief Web Reporter and Associate Editor.
Mariam has a Masters in Political Communications (with Merit) from the University of Leeds, United Kingdom, a BA in Mass Communications from the American University of Sharjah, and is fluent in five languages. An avid lifelong learner, Mariam moved to Canada in 2021 to study broadcasting and found her calling in radio with Quinte Broadcasting.
Mariam enjoys engaging audiences across various media platforms — audio / video / social media – and can be found recording footage across Quinte.
Good books, good food, nature outings and telenovelas are some of Mariam’s favourite things.
Email: mariam@mix97.com

Ashleigh Harvey
On Air Personality
You can follow her on Instagram @ashleighch
or email her at: ashleighharvey@mix97.com

Jack Miller
Sports Director
Jack is now in his 50th year with Quinte Broadcasting and 45th as Sports Director.
Along the way he has called the play by play of more than 3000 games of the Belleville Bulls and Belleville Senators.
Jack was also the voice of the OHL Game of the Week on Global Television for 15 years as well as colour commentator of the World Junior Hockey Championships for 13 years on national radio.
He also served three terms as a member of Belleville City Council.
Jack still brings local sports to the region on CJBQ, MIX 97 and ROCK 107 as well as the morning news anchor on MIX 97.
Email: jack@mix97.com

Greg Moulton
I was born just down the road in Kingston, and have spent 30 years in the crazy business of radio, starting out at CJTN in 1985. I have worked in Kingston, Simcoe, Tillsonburg, and Brantford before coming back home to Belleville.
I have been a die hard Godzilla fan for more years than I can mention, but am very proud of that.
I actually had to travel to China to marry my beautiful wife in 2006, and in 2010 welcomed our darling daughter, Gwendolyn.
When not on the air, I am usually seen working in the production department at Quinte Broadcasting.
When growing up in Napanee, I played drums for different bands from the time I was 13. I don’t play anymore, although I do take a moment once a year to clean the dust off the kit.
My musical tastes are simple, the Beatles, the Stones, and especially Pink Floyd, my favorite actor is Jimmy Stewart,and my favorite movie that I can watch over and over again is the classic…JAWS.
I am a fan of The Lone Ranger, monster movies, and Japanese scifi. And that’s about all there is to know about me.

Justin Anderson
Afternoon Drive Host
Justin was born in Banff Alberta and raised in Brighton (Ontario) and started DJing when he was 13. He got the radio bug early on but only decided to take it further once he realized being a famous Rockstar Drummer wasn’t his calling as he spent most of his time playing drums, guitar and piano.
Justin is well known to the Belleville air waves, Justin has done every on air radio shift from being a weekend part timer to evenings, drive and even morning radio. In his spare time, Justin spends most of his time on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram but also he’s a very active outdoor enthusiast. You wouldn’t know it looking at him but he’s clocks in thousands of km’s hiking and backpacking around Ontario’s finest trails.
Fun Fact: Justin is a local award winning landscape photographer and a formal Howard Stern Show intern.
If you want to keep up with Justin, You can find him on:
Facebook: @justinandersonphotography
Twitter: @andersonmix97
Instagram: @andersonmix97
Email: justin@mix97.com