Quinte West native and fitness enthusiast, Vanessa MacDonald wants to share her personal story of health and happiness with as many people as possible and you can help her with your votes!
How does fitness positively influence your life?
Fitness has positively impacted my life in so many ways! I grew up being a very athletic but not slim athlete. I worked out to keep up with performances during sporting events but never had a structured gym routine or proper meal plan! I always thought I was overweight or not good enough. These past 2 years I have been diagnosed with an eating disorder and depression. Fitness was my escape. My drug. I have lost almost 45lbs and can finally say I am proud of how far I’ve come in my life.
If you were the next Ms Health and Fitness, what would you do with $20,000?
To be honest it would be a dream come true if I was the next Ms health and fitness! I would finally be proud of the hard work I’ve put into my self day in and day out! That 20,000$ would mean much more to me than just a cheque it would be the beginning of a future for me! I would definitely put some of the money towards some of my loans but also do something just for me to celebrate how far I’ve come.